Thursday, January 5, 2012

Are we too idealistic in the United States?

And not realistic enough? A very large American perception is that in America you can do anything if you put your mind to it... but is it time for us to start facing the music? The reality is, people can work themselves, literally, to death...but not accomplish what they want. Many people say we should not help the less fortunate and the Americans who are having trouble making ends meet and putting food on the table, because America is a land of oppurtunity. Of course it is, but even if there is oppurtunity there is not always the same hardships, education, talents or brains to achieve it and no matter how hard one studies, a Janitor is most likely not going to become a rocket scientist. The janitor works more hours a week and works very hard trying to make ends meet, he had to take this job because of lack of a good education and how he was raised and may be he just is not as smart as a rocket scientist. So why should American having oppurtunities be an excuse for not helping others?

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